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The Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit - course taster

  • 25 Steps


Welcome to The Ultimate Self-Care Toolkit course taster. This is a taster of the full course. Here are more details of the full course: There are six modules within this course and each module consists of three or four steps. Within each step you will see a short video that introduces a topic, taking you through a few slides and at the end of that topic you will be given a coaching activity to work on in your own time. These are reflective activities so take as much time as you like. For every step there are handouts that you can download and print off to write notes on (it’s recommended that you create a folder and keep all your notes together so you can track your progress easily) This course has been carefully crafted to create a proactive and holistic approach to building health, happiness and wellbeing. The six core modules we cover are: REST, RECHARGE, REPLENISH, RELATIONSHIPS, RESILIENCE & RENOVATE. You can work through the course at your own pace and whilst each module crosses over and builds on the next, there is flexibility to choose the order that you complete the modules if there is a particular topic that stands out. If you’re also having coaching you can discuss the order of priority with your coach and likewise, your coach might recommend specific content to focus on between sessions. Feel free to ask your coach any questions and to use your coaching sessions to unpack anything that has come up for you whilst completing the course activities.




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